Well, I chose option B. I decided to stay home. I wanted to work on a couple of blogs and see if I would be able to ear a little on-line. That was when I had the idea to spend time on myself. I have been working two jobs for the last five years and this past year has been particularly brutal. The majority of the year at my full-time job I have been working overtime. I feel spent. I feel like I am running a marathon at the olympics and have fallen just a half mile before the finish line. I can see the end, but I am struggling to finish the race.
I did a full body exfoliation, and let me tell you I don't think I have ever been able to get a closer shave. I took extra time to cleanse, tone, and moisturize my face. I know this is something I should be doing daily, but honestly there just aren't enough hours in a day to do it consistently. I was able to moisturize my entire body, which felt amazing.
My nails were in dire need of an update. I pulled out one of my most summery jamberry prints and went from there. With each nail I could feel myself getting pulled together. I also feel that it is important to note that I was still drinking my extra large martini and watching team USA compete in the olympic games. So, the fact that I was able to put my nails together and still have them look amazing deserves a gold medal if you ask me.
So, why is all of this important? Because, I needed to take a moment and do something for myself. I needed a night to just focus on me. My body was hard and tired. My mind was becoming closed off and unimaginative. I could feel me becoming less like myself. It had been so long since I had done something for me.
I know that may sound selfish. But, so what! If you won't look out for you then who will? How can you expect someone to care about you if you won't care about you? You can't. It is that simple.
Burn out is a real thing, and I can tell you that it is no picnic. It takes you down a bad path and can put your head in a place where you can't find the strength to continue on. But, you can fight it. You can make it through. If you take time to do something that allows you to relax then you will get back on your path. Don't worry, the real world will be there waiting for you when you get back. But, this time you will be better armed to take it on.
No matter how you relax I hope that you remember to take the time to do it for yourself. I know that there could be many people that rely on you. But, how can you provide for them if you yourself are not at your A game.
I guess the ultimate moral of this story is that you need to stop and take a minute for yourself every now and then. Trust me, you'll be glad that you did.
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