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Showing posts from August, 2016

LEEPs and Bounds

Chances are pretty good that you are familiar with the fact that women need to have yearly pelvic exams. And if you are a woman then chances are even higher that you are all too familiar with everything that this exam entails. It's a great topic of conversation is it not? No? It should be. There is too much of a social taboo on women's health, and it is time for that to change. Women choose not be ashamed of themselves or the care that they need to stay healthy. I want to help women of all ages feel more comfortable with themselves and not be embarrassed to speak out, if they so choose. I had my first pelvic exam at 14. I was a terrified high school freshmen that was in a hospital gown at my local ER. I was scared and in a lot of pain. The pain in my abdomen woke me up that morning. My mother, being the super-mom that she is, immediately knew that something wasn't right. The triage nurse at the ER told my mother that there was either something wrong with my bladder or my ...

Treating Yourself

So, tonight my boyfriend had wanted me to go with him to a friend's house. Sounds great right? Sure. But, I don't play video games. Why would that matter? Well, it is essentially guy's night and they will be playing all sorts of video games. I was told there would be a few other women there, but they all play video games. I would be forced to sit and watch, which next to nothing to contribute to conversation, or play and be horrible. Well, I chose option B. I decided to stay home. I wanted to work on a couple of blogs and see if I would be able to ear a little on-line. That was when I had the idea to spend time on myself. I have been working two jobs for the last five years and this past year has been particularly brutal. The majority of the year at my full-time job I have been working overtime. I feel spent. I feel like I am running a marathon at the olympics and have fallen just a half mile before the finish line. I can see the end, but I am struggling to finish the rac...