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Showing posts from October, 2016

Learning the Hard Way: Hurricane Matthew

I've had to learn a few thing the hard way. One of the most recent was the importance of being prepared. Normally, I am a very cautious person. I would much rather play it safe than be sorry. But, I am also good with money and don't like to spend it unnecessarily. I live in the Hampton Roads area. I know that the area is prone to flooding and I know what, typically, to expect from storms. This area isn't known for having a lot of hurricane activity, but living on the coastline, you know if can happen. I keep an eye on the weather. I don't like to be caught off guard. The flooding in front of my apartment My boyfriend and I had been watching the development of Hurricane Matthew before it was even projected to impact our area. When it looked like the storm could possible hit our area we began to plan. It was a week before the storm was forecasted to hit us and we were talking about what foods we needed to get, where we could store water, and if we should get a cam...