If you have read part 1 (if you haven't you can find it here ) then you will know that I got unexpectedly sick while driving. And, I don't just mean that I felt really bad. I mean uncontrollably vomiting while driving late at night on my own kind of sick. My oh-so-wonderful boyfriend drove out to the empty gas station where I was desperately trying to clean the vomit from my car. He then followed me home and took care of my dog while I tried to clean my car a little more so it wouldn't smell so bad in the morning. I know that I did not look remotely attractive. I know there were dried bits of vomit on my face, legs, and arms. I quickly looked up online how I should clean my car's interior, and found that it would not be something I could do in the dark. To help prevent unpleasant odors in the summer heat I sprinkled a generous amount of baking soda over my seat and floor. When we were finally clean we settled in to bed. Both of us were just thankful that the roads we...